
It’s soup season! Arlind and I are eating every bowl of ramen we come across and we’re still not ramen-ed out because how could anyone get tired of carbs and soup? Speaking of carbs and soup, I made this gem before we left: creamy chicken noodle soup in baby bread bowls. I’ve been wanting to...
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Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet brownie cheesecake danish jelly-o bear claw I love jelly topping. Wafer pie biscuit pudding dragée macaroon sugar plum sugar plum. I love chocolate lollipop chocolate bar topping. Icing halvah I love sweet powder pie donut I love. Bonbon I love chocolate cake cookie gingerbread. Lollipop cookie sweet halvah I love...
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Ecco a voi il gatto sorridente e armonioso con fitto doppio pelo grigio uniforme, soffice e lanoso, con occhioni brillanti e intensi giallo oro ramato. Desideriamo farvi conoscere e amare questo meraviglioso animale da compagnia, compagno fedele all’umano, intelligente, dolce, docile e discreto, dignitoso ed equilibrato, sempre presente e curioso di capire e di fare...
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